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IAP2 USA September Newsletter

President’s Message – From Leah Jaramillo

Leah JaramilloThis is an exciting time to be a member of IAP2 USA. The US affiliate recently surpassed in membership the total amount of international members that existed before our organizational restructuring in 2010. We now have over 850 members, and we're continuing to grow. We're branching out from an organization founded by P2 practitioners to an organization that serves a variety of people in roles that touch P2. This poses some great advantages for all of our members and gives us the opportunity to provide a more robust level of P2 in a variety of processes throughout our country.

We strive to promote best practices in P2. As more members join us from a variety of disciplines we can enhance our knowledge base by including additional applications, processes and projects that affect Americans in their daily lives. We have a wonderful opportunity to learn more from members and friends who are doing P2 across the spectrum of engagement. As members, it is our responsibility to ensure our Core Values are reflected in these opportunities to engage.

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Run for the IAP2 USA Board of Directors!

Yes, it is that time of year. The time to start thinking about what you can contribute to your Association. What would you like to see happen? How do you think you can add value? Nominations for the 2017-2019 IAP2 USA Board will open on October 19th and close on Wednesday, November 9th.

Are you interested and want to learn more? Take a look at the Board Information Package and the Application Form by clicking here.

Are you Attending the Skills Symposium in 2017?

Here are five good reasons to join us in San Diego for the February 27 to March 3 Symposium:

  1. Diversity of training – something for everyone
  2. World class trainers – yes, take the time to find out about these incredible trainers
  3. Great networking opportunities – we are expecting people from around the world - think what you could learn from your fellow participants!
  4. By popular demand we are bringing the “Big Hairy Problems” back. What is a BHP? It is a current complex and/or difficult P2 issue/process faced by one of our sponsors and they are looking for your help. This is a great opportunity to roll up your sleeves and work hand in hand with your trainers and others to put what you are learning into action.
  5. San Diego – yes, work hard during the day but take time to enjoy this beautiful city!

No matter your training goals we believe we can meet your needs. Early bird registration continues until November 30th – Please note that space in the courses and at our Symposium hotel are limited so register now to avoid disappointment. Find out more.

Funding the Future

Did you know IAP2 USA has a Scholarship Program? Well we do, and it is brand new. We will be announcing the details and the application process in October - so stay tuned. While we finalize this exciting new initiative we need to ensure that we have the funds to support it so …

Last year we raised almost $2,000 dollars at the North American Conference in Portland – thank you! Building on last year’s success, this year’s fun(d)-raiser will also be a silent auction. It will take place at the IAP2 North American conference in Montreal September 28th to 30th and we are asking Chapters, individuals, and organizations to help by donating items for auction.

Consider providing something that represents your area: something classic or unusual. All items are welcome, so have fun thinking up things that will be of interest to attendees from Australia, Canada, England, France, New Zealand, the U.S., and more. Having a variety of items for conference attendees to bid on will help make the conference more fun and the fundraiser a greater success.

Ready to help? Email your contribution idea to Amelia Shaw at ameliaiap2usa@gmail.com and bring your silent auction donation with you to the conference! If you would prefer to mail it, let us know and we will send you the coordinates.

Thank you for your participation in this event!

Member Spotlight: Traci Ethridge

Traci EthridgeTraci Ethridge, Assistant Director of Corporate Communications & Marketing for the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, first learned about IAP2 from colleagues who had attended the IAP2 Foundations in Public Participation program. “I was part of a working group tasked with examining how the city was engaging with the community and developing an overall strategy moving forward. We wanted to make sure that we were bridging the gap between the community and local government. Our organization has success around a lot of projects and initiatives and we wanted to implement a standard practice such as the IAP2 Spectrum.” The Spectrum will become the foundation to community engagement planning and a key piece in shaping the city’s overall strategy.

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P2 & Decision-Makers – the IAP2 September Webinar

This month’s Learning Webinar has an exciting twist, as we welcome four civic politicians – elected decision-makers – to discuss a topic we haven’t tackled before: how do elected officials decide to buy into the concept of letting those affected by a decision have a voice and influence on that decision?

On Monday, Sept. 19 (11am Pacific / 2pm Eastern), we'll hear from Mayor Dennis Coombs of Longmont, Colorado, and city councillors Blair Lancaster of Burlington, Ontario, Marianne Alto of Victoria, BC and Leslie Pool of Austin, Texas, on how they were convinced of the value of meaningful public engagement. Did they need much convincing? What did it take? Did they feel like they were surrendering a "right" to make the decisions? Did they get flack from staff experts?

Dennis Coombs Blair Lancaster Marianne Alto Leslie Pool

Don't miss this unique opportunity to gain insights on this important aspect of the profession!

Register Today!

Coming up in October and November ...we'll meet the Core Values Awards winners. On Tuesday, October 18, we'll hear from the Project of the Year winners (register here); on Tuesday, November 8, the Organizations of the Year take center stage (register here).

Of course, we can't tell you their names until after the Core Values Awards Gala, Sept. 29 in Montreal.

WEBINAR REWIND – “White Papers – August 9”
In our August webinar we did a deep dive into what good P2 evaluation could look like and what needs to be considered and when. As well, we learned about different techniques and discussed what to use and why when we are faced with conflict in our P2 processes. How do you support conflict? Do you embrace it?

The IAP2 Canada Research Committee commissioned its first two white papers in late 2015, and they were released earlier this year. The authors of the papers shared what they found in the August webinar.

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The Red Carpet is Out!

The preparations are made, the schedule is set and all the spaces have now been taken: the 2016 IAP2 North American Conference is ready to go in Montréal September 28-30. The Conference has been sold-out for over a month, and we’ve gradually been able to go through the waiting list to ensure that as many people as possible can participate.

We are expecting up to 240 participants to join us and we are EXCITED!

If you’re missing the Conference, though, you can still catch up on the 30-plus session presentations on the program. After the conference we will post as many presentations as possible on our website, and there will be video of the keynote speeches by J-P Gladu of the Canadian Centre for Aboriginal Business and Dicki Chhoyang, formerly of the Central Tibetan Administration and we will announce the Core Values Awards winners. What’s more, the IAP2 Monthly Webinars will feature some of the more popular sessions in the months to come.


Thank you!

Please join the Cascade chapter for the following "PI Network" events:

  • Wednesday, September 28, 2016, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (PDT) - The Top Ten Reasons Groups Can't Solve Problems! Presented by Tony Faast, Cascade Outreach Institute; learn more.

  • Thursday, October 13, 2016, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (PDT) - Hanford - Beauty and the Beast! Pristine Beauty Meets Radioactive Cleanup. Presented by Ginger Wireman, Community Outreach & Environmental Education Specialist, Nuclear Waste Program, Washington State Department of Ecology; learn more.

Intermountain is pleased to present the IAP2 Foundations in Public Participation program in Salt Lake City, Utah the week beginning Monday, December 5

Greater Los Angeles (emerging) fall slate of events:

  • Wednesday, September 21 - How the City of Manhattan Beach Made Civic Engagement Work - Online and In Real Life
  • Friday, October 7 - Envisioning California: "Our Voices: Advancing Civic Engagement in California" - Join the Center for California Studies, Sacramento State and the IAP2 Los Angeles (Emerging) Chapter for a full day of exploring the future of California.
  • Thursday, October 20 - Ashley Trim, Executive Director of the Davenport Institute, and Pete Peterson, will speak about the work of the Institute and the importance of preparing a new generation of leaders for engagement.
  • November 15, 2016 - November Chapter Meeting: Gathering at the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority, details TBA, West Covina.

Check the IAP2 USA calendar of events for information on how to register and get involved!


Interesting LinksWe would like to thank our members for submitting these links. If you have something you want to share please send it to info@iap2usa.org.

  • On the theme of racism, CELE – the Community Engagement Learning Exchange, a blog run out of the University of North Carolina – has invited members of IAP2 to take part in a discussion on racism. (CELE was featured in the October, 2015, webinar, “Getting Engaged – Staying Engaged”.)
  • Ten Key Talents for Better Public Participation - Former IAP2 USA Board Member and Public Agenda Director of Public Engagement, Matt Leighninger, and co-author Tina Nabatchi outline 10 skills and capacities fundamental to deeper and broader public participation.
  • Sustaining Community with a strengths-based approach to working with groups
  • Preserving a community and protecting it can create tensions among community members
  • Dr David Campt (one of our presenters in the March 2015 webinar, Audience Response Systems in an Emotional Setting) suggests in this video that the current racial strife in the United States is having a beneficial effect: getting white conservatives to talk openly about racial attitudes
  • And from the UK, Dialogue by Design provides this post on the importance of storytelling in engagement

IAP2 Training Sessions on the Public Calendar

Click through the event listings on the IAP2 USA Calendar for more information and to register. (Learn more about the courses; Foundations brochure.)

  • Denver, CO - Foundations in Public Participation, Mon-Fri, Oct 24-28
  • Anchorage, AK - Foundations in Public Participation, Mon-Fri, Oct 31 - Nov 4
  • Fort Collins, CO - Techniques in Public Participation, Thurs-Fri, Nov 3-4
  • Salt Lake City, UT - Foundations in Public Participation, Mon-Fri, Dec 5-9

Upcoming Events

Mon, Sept 19 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM (PDT)
IAP2 Monthly Webinar: “P2 and Decision-Makers”
Weds, Sept 21
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM (PDT)
Emerging Los Angeles Chapter: Civic Engagement in Manhattan Beach
Weds, Sept 28
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (PDT)
Cascade Chapter: The Top Ten Reasons Groups Can't Solve Problems!
Sept 28-30 2016 IAP2 North American Conference, Montréal (Sold out)
Thurs, Sept 29
2016 IAP2 Canada & USA Core Values Awards Gala, Montréal (Sold out)
Fri, Oct 7
Emerging Los Angeles Chaper: 27th Annual Envisioning California Conference: "Our Voices: Advancing Civic Engagement in California"
Thurs, Oct 13
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (PDT)
Cascade Chaper: Hanford - Beauty and the Beast! Pristine Beauty Meets Radioactive Cleanup
Tues, Oct 18
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM (PDT)
IAP2 Monthly Webinar: IAP2 Core Values Awards: Projects of the Year
Thurs, Oct 20
Emerging Los Angeles Chaper: October Meeting
Davenport Institute, Pepperdine School of Public Policy
Tues, Nov 15
Emerging Los Angeles Chaper: Gathering at the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority, West Covina.

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All rights reserved.