IAP2 USA Mentorship Program

The IAP2 USA Mentorship Program connects those new to the P2 profession (mentees) with experienced P2 practitioners (mentors), who provide a sounding board, advice and general wisdom on best practices and potential pitfalls. The form of the mentoring relationship is determined by the individual pairings, developing their own “Terms of Reference” and framework for the nine-month program.

This program not only provides additional learning and professional development opportunities for those new to the field, but also offers practitioners the opportunity to live part of IAP2's Code of Ethics: "Support of the Practice".

The next cycle in this program is not yet scheduled, however we are now inviting potential mentors and mentees to express interest in taking part!

Mentor Description      Mentee Description

To participate in this program you must be an IAP2 USA member. Watch our newsletter for more information about the next Mentorship program.

"Our profession is changing rapidly - with emerging communication technologies, challenging political contexts, and declining social capacity for addressing controversial issues in a civil manner. As a seasoned professional with over 25 years’ experience, I greatly enjoyed getting to know my mentee and her perspectives on our profession as a relative newcomer in the field. I am certain I benefitted every bit as much from the Mentorship Program as she did! (Mentor)

"I am exceedingly grateful for the opportunity to have been a mentee in the IAP2 USA Mentorship Pilot program. My mentor both immersed me in new relationships within IAP2 where I could ask and learn and she brought me along with her to get work done that is important to her, and became important to me. The experience shifted me from an observer to a participant in this community and I look forward to rooting and growing here. (Mentee)

Students and Young Professionals were among the 350 attendees who enjoyed the 2015 North American conference in Portland OR.

"The mentorship program is for someone who has a clear understanding of what they want to gain and who is going to be tenacious in making sure that happens. (Mentee)

"I participated in this pilot program because at this point in my career, I feel like I have information and experiences to share (the good, bad and the ugly!) and guidance to offer. I love to cheerlead and coach P2 proponents! I enjoyed the candid conversations and the progress I felt we made during our 6 month journey. Would definitely do it all over again. (Mentor)

"This was a great opportunity to get perspective on my development as a practitioner. My Mentor was knowledgeable about so many things and was able to help illuminate parts of my experiences and work that I hadn't considered. The things I learned through this program have had a significant impact on my plans for the future. (Mentee)

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