Sponsorship and Partnership Opportunities

   Affinity Partnerships

Event Sponsorships

Webinar and Online Training Sponsorships

Affinity Partnerships

Affinity Partners of International Association for Public Participation, USA are businesses and organizations with a national reach that have a strong track record of providing services to public participation practitioners, demonstrate outstanding customer service and an understanding of the environment in which IAP2 USA members operate, and offer a program, product, or service that is applicable to our members and tailored specifically for them. Our goal is to work with people and organizations who are creative, committed, and passionate about public participation practitioners and the advancement of the people and communities they serve. 

New affinity program relationships are negotiated with IAP2 USA individually. Each relationship is unique and prospects are carefully considered on a case-by-case basis; partnerships often take three to six months to develop and finalize. IAP2 USA does not offer exclusivity or endorsement, but we do vet our partners extensively. 

To explore a partnership with International Association for Public Participation, USA, please contact Erin Zimmermann, Executive Manager 

Zencity Engage Affiliate Partnership

Visit Zencity Demo Page

Event Sponsorships

Details available soon:

Sponsorships support the IAP2, USA mission and enables us to provide free capacity-building and educational programs to our members across America. 

IAP2 USA North American Conference This is a biennial gathering for IAP2 USA members and other public participation practitioners coast to coast and border to border. The 2021 North American Conference took place virtually and was hugely successful. We're planning for the 2023 NAC to be held in person in Seattle, Washington.

IAP2 USA Learning Webinar Sponsorships 

Details available soon:

Hosted by IAP2 USA, Learning Webinars give IAP2 members a chance to hear about ideas, trends, technologies and approaches that can enhance their practice. Our presenters also provide links and other collateral material to help promote our practitioners’ professional development.All learning webinars are archived and available to members for their professional development at no cost and only $50 for non-members. (6 webinars annually)

Online Training Sponsorships

Details available soon:

IAP2 USA Online Training IAP2 USA offers online training courses on programs of interest and value to P2 practitioners. These events are vetted by IAP2 USA and provide relevant and key material for members and nonmembers. They are presented by IAP2 USA alone or in partnership with consultants. (8-12 courses annually)

IAP2 USA Coffee Chats

Communications Sponsorships

Website Sponsorships

Periodically throughout the year, IAP2 USA offers a forum for members to connect on a number of topical or pressing topics. Attendance may vary and the chats are often scheduled spontaneously. Contact staff for more details. 

Sponsor the IAP2, USA Monthly Newsletter. Our enewsletter connects more than 3,500 subscribers with the latest resources, trends, and thought leadership. 

Promote your product or service to visitors to our website. You'll have exclusive placement for your ad on the selected page or section for the term you select. Packages include promoting your product or service through tweets to our followers.

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