From the Executive Manager's Desk: Spring Your Career Plans into Action

March Message: Gail Madziar, Executive Manager, IAP2 USA

Spring Your Career Plans into Action

Spring is a great time to reassess and review your career plans. The pandemic may have left you  wondering about changing jobs or even careers. In any case, the path to a career advancement or reinvention involves cultivating knowledge, skills, resources, and relationships. That may mean taking courses or obtaining a certification. You can visit or post job openings at the IAP2 USA Career Center

Your IAP2 USA memberships offers you the opportunity to gain skills, certifications, take advantage of networking at virtual events or through committee service. Our flagship training  Foundations in Public Participation, the only international program of its kind, provides participants with an overview of public participation, best practices in the field, and dynamic techniques to enhance impact.

The 2021 Virtual IAP2 North American Conference: with the timely theme “Sound partnerships: Community engagement in times of change” is coming up in September.

Webinars which are free to members and only $50 to nonmembers and our new lunch and learns offer a quick knowledge boost. One on demand course will be available in April, and our next IAP2 USA P2 and P3 Certification program is scheduled for October 2021. 

In the end, when it comes to reinventing your career, remember this important point: The time to get going is now — but don’t go it alone. Connect with your IAP2 USA.

Gail Madziar

Executive Manager


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