IAP2 USA April/May Newsletter

From the Executive Manager - Erin Zimmermann

April was National Volunteer month. As someone who used to run a Volunteer Center, I often find myself in awe of the generosity and kindness of our members. From serving on our board and committees, running our chapters, taking on special projects, planning events and conferences, participating in thought partnership and more, our volunteers really are the heart of IAP2.

I wanted to highlight our North American Conference steering committee volunteers Josh Stepherson (co-chair), Jenny Thacker (co-chair), Andy Gregory, Ilays Aden, Ginger Wireman, Dennis Standstrom, Holly Wilkens, Gracie Geremia, and Robyn Austin. This incredible team works behind the scenes to make our North American Conference a meaningful experience. This year’s Conference, Sept. 13-16 in Seattle, is all about Partnering for Possibility!  Registration is now open.

I also hope you will consider attending IAP2 USA’s Annual Meeting on Wednesday, May 24th from 2-3 p.m. Eastern. We will celebrate accomplishments from the last year and recognize many of our talented volunteers. 

“The broadest, and maybe most meaningful definition of volunteering: “Doing more than you have to because you want to, in a cause you consider good.” ~Ivan Scheier

Erin Zimmermann, 

Executive Manager


IAP2 USA's 2023 Annual General Membership Meeting

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

2:00 - 3:00 EDT

Register now for IAP2 USA's Annual General Membership Meeting.

Join us to celebrate the organization’s 2022 accomplishments and check in on upcoming plans and priorities. 

This year, will offer some fun engagement opportunities for members to connect, share, and learn together.

Open to members only. Please login to register.

Preliminary Agenda

  • Welcome and call to order, President
  • Confirmation of Agenda, President
  • Introductions -  Secretary
  • Highlights from 2023 - President 
  • Treasurer’s Report on 2022 Finances, Treasurer
  • Introduction of the 2023 Board with thanks to departing Board members - President
  • Plans for 2023 - President
  • New Business 
  • Annual Meeting Adjournment
Free for Members
Public Participation Around the Globe

On March 8 in Santiago, Chile, the IAP2 Latin America Region held an International Seminar: Challenges in Emerging Trends in Public Participation with a Global Perspective. 

One of the biggest takeaways was the distinct value and impact that Public Participation has across the Globe. While it may look a bit different from county to country, the foundation and passion that is shared is tremendous. 

We wanted to share some of the learning that came out of the IAP2 Latin American Event with you and will continue to look for opportunities to bring more international connection your way.

Relive this great international meeting and learn from the experience and knowledge in Public Participation of professionals from all over the world.

YouTube links from the University





For translation, click subtitles under settings, click auto-translate, and select your preferred language

IAP2 Greater Good Awards accepting nominations - Recognizing individual excellence in pursuing the greater good. 

The Greater Good Award is presented each year by the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) USA to recognize excellence achieved by individuals in the field of public participation in the United States. Their hard work ensures the people have a voice in things that affect them is often unsung.

Candidate(s) may be nominated by any IAP2 USA Member, Chapter or Committee. Nominees should have  illustrated outstanding leadership, service, and application of the IAP2 Core Values in the field of public participation. The selection of the honorees is made by the IAP2 USA president and executive manager, and awards will be given at the North American Conference.

Nominations open April 21, 2023 and close June 15, 2023 Download a nomination packet.

IAP2 USA wants to recognize your achievements with our Core Values Awards

Being a Public Participation Practitioner is not for the faint of heart. It requires ingenuity, caring, and dedication. 

Ingenuity in how to engage a diversity of stakeholders and the public in complex and sometimes high-stakes and high-emotion projects, plans and processes.

Caring in providing a safe and inclusive space where there is an opportunity to hear from and engage all voices including stakeholders, the public, decision-makers and the internal team.

Dedication to your communities, the P2 practice, and the greater good while upholding the IAP2 Core Values and the Code of Ethics.

Each year, IAP2 Affiliates around the world celebrate excellence in the profession through the IAP2 Core Values Awards. The awards go to projects and organizations which best demonstrate IAP2's Core Values and help to raise the bar in the field of public engagement by sharing best practices and inspiring the P2 community to learn from one another. The Core Values Awards encourage new approaches and innovative uses of existing ones.

Share your inspiring projects. Show us you have created positive change, built trust, and engaged your local community in public participation. Core Value Awards applications are due May 31, 2023. 

Apply Today!

Registration Now Open! 2023 North American Conference

Registration is now open for IAP2 North American Conference, September 13-15, 2023 at the Sheraton Grand, Seattle, Washington

This year’s theme of “Partnering for Possibility” reflects a critical moment in time, as we are actively recovering from a multi-year pandemic and adapting our approaches to public engagement in the context of racial reckoning and reconciliation. 

The IAP2 North American Conference is the top industry event for P2 practitioners in the US and Canada. Conference attendees are diverse, welcoming, and inclusive of participants and presenters from a wide range of backgrounds.

The early registration discount won't last forever so make sure to register soon to save $100.

We look forward to welcoming you to Seattle! 

Register, book your hotel and spread the word!

Register Today!

Sponsorship Opportunities are available.

Become a Certified Public Participation Professional (CP3)

Certification as a Public Participation professional acknowledges your adherence to a strict set of standards recognized around the world for delivering quality, meaningful public participation. It is the premier credential for public participation professionals. 

An Assessment Center is now scheduled for October 20 & 21 with an application deadline of June 16. 2023.

To join a select number of colleagues a three-step process is used to assess candidates’ knowledge and skills:

  • Step One – Submit your Application and Professional Portfolio to to info@iap2usa.org.
  • Step Two – Preparation and submission of a Public Participation Plan in response to a case study

  • Step Three – Preparation for and participation in an Assessment Center.

Prepare your CP3 application form and email to info@iap2usa.org

Apply by June 16

IAP2's Fundamentals of Public Participation

First course to be taken before Designing Public Participation and Applying Methods

May 11 & 12   

1 PM – 5 PM Eastern

The Fundamentals of Public Participation (P2) course is a prerequisite to other courses in the Global Learning Pathway that sets out the underpinning models and frameworks of engagement practice as defined by the IAP2 community.

The focus of this course is on understanding and applying the practices of meaningful and effective P2 and what participants need to know to do this well. The training explores best practices, and how to design and apply this knowledge to your P2.

Course objectives

By the end of this course participants will be able to:

  • Define P2 and related terms and what makes it unique
  • Identify what makes P2 meaningful, and reflect on the benefits, risks and myths related to P2
  • Identify the role that values play in P2 work, and the leadership attributes that will serve them in practice 
  • Reflect on and apply ethical leadership actions and abilities to P2 situations
  • Apply the Profiles of P2 model to P2, and explore organization- and community-led engagement and how that impacts the engagement process
  • Reflect on and apply the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion, and explore the roles and impacts of power and influence
  • Apply the IAP2 Spectrum to P2 situations and practice
  • Explore the Practice Framework as a tool for effective planning and process, and assess the quality of the process

          Upcoming Webinar:  Free for Members 

          May 9 - (Learning Webinar) Co-Designing Community Engagement to Advance Equity

          2:00 - 3:15 pm Eastern

          1:00 - 2:15 pm Central

          12:00 - 1:15 pm Mountain

          11:00 am - 12:15 pm Pacific

          Co-designing with community results in accessible and culturally relevant engagement opportunities as well as more equitable outcomes for historically excluded communities. IAP2 Core Values emphasize the importance of seeking input from participants in designing how they participate in engagement processes. Beyond seeking input, what does it look like to co-design an engagement process with community? Bozeman, MT and Boulder, CO share examples, experiences, and the elements of co-design when engaging the community to advance equity. 

          In this interactive session, participants will: 

          • Hear and share tangible examples of co-designed community engagement processes

          • Be able to articulate the elements of co-design

          • Be able to identify and scope processes or projects that are a good fit for co-design

          • Draft a Participant Action Plan to identify tangible next steps for planning and implementing in their own communities


          Dani Hess

          Dani supports the City of Bozeman’s work in community engagement and equity in her role as Community Engagement Coordinator. Co-leading the development of the city’s first Equity & Inclusion Plan, Dani works with city staff and leadership, community members, and partner organizations to chart the course towards a Bozeman where everyone belongs. Dani is a Montana State University graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Community Health and minor in Hispanic Studies.    

          Ryan Hanschen

          Ryan  strengthens democracy through cultivating community and building power. He works for the people of Boulder, Colorado, building capacity for meaningful and inclusive community engagement. Ryan has served as faculty and staff with the University of Denver, a Colorado’s Civic DNA Fellow, and a two-term AmeriCorps VISTA member. He holds a Master’s degree in Strategic Innovation & Organizational Change and was recognized with the IAP2 USA Greater Good Emerging Leader award.

          **This is webinar is sponsored by Granicus** 

          Granicus connects people and government with a unified experience that integrates website, online services, digital communications, and more to serve every resident equally and inclusively.


          Webinar Recordings - Available to Members Free On Demand

          All of our past webinars are available to members who are logged into iap2usa.org. Just click here and you will be prompted to login to the Webinar Archives.

          March 14 (Learning Webinar) - Too Many Boards? Advice and Strategies for Managing and Consolidating Advisory Bodies

          Advisory boards are a popular tool for gathering and refining public input. However, without proper care and feeding, they can quickly outgrow their original mission and take on a life of their own. It can be challenging, both logistically and politically, to reign in boards that have grown way past their policy guardrails. Learn how the City of Corvallis created a public process that can help how to focus, refine, or consolidate boards.

          Presenter: Patrick Rollens

          If our current courses don't meet your needs please fill out this quick survey so we can help you become the P2 practitioner your community needs.

          Member Spotlight

          If your organization has had any recent P2 successes or thought of creative solutions we want to hear about it! Please contact info@iap2usa.org to be featured on our website or newsletter.

          Copyright ©2010 - present IAP2 USA.

          All rights reserved.